The Pastorship

Pastor Inho Choi serves as the senior pastor of Good News Orlando Church, where he leads with a heart for spiritual counseling, evangelism, men's discipleship, and ministry growth. Alongside his wife, Hannah, and their three sons, Pastor Choi is committed to spreading the gospel and uplifting the Orlando community.

Statement of Faith


- The Bible was recorded by 40 people inspired by the Holy Spirit, such as Moses and David, over 1,600 years.

- The Bible is the holy and infallible Word of God, containing no falsehood or error.

- The Bible’s greatest purpose is to lead sinners to believe in Jesus Christ and receive eternal life.

- As the inspired Word of God, the Bible educates believers on the path of righteousness through guidance and chastisement.

- The Bible is the standard for a true life of faith and the only source of God’s Word in this world.

- The Bible is the perfect, complete Word of God, unchangeable and cannot be expanded or omitted.


- God is the one and only being known as Jehovah: "I Am Who I Am."

- God is one in essence but exists in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

- God possesses unconditional love but abhors sin.

- God is the Creator of humans and the world.

- God is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, and exists eternally.

- God is omnipotent (all-powerful) and omnipresent (present everywhere).

- God is holy, good, and truthful, and is the ultimate standard of good and evil.

- God governs every aspect of human life according to His providence.

- God will judge the righteous and the ungodly at the end of the world.

- The righteous will live eternally in Heaven, while sinners will face eternal punishment in Hell.


- Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who came to the world as the visible image of the invisible God.

- Jesus is fully God and fully man, the only intercessor between God and humanity, being a perfect, sinless human.

- Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.

- Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of all revelations, without whom we cannot fully understand God.

- He was born in Bethlehem about 2,000 years ago and raised in Nazareth.

- At age 30, He began His public ministry and died on the cross at 33.

- Jesus is a descendant of David and Abraham according to His human genealogy.

- Jesus performed miracles: healing the sick, walking on water, calming storms, and raising the dead.

- Jesus took away the sins of the world in accordance with God’s will by dying on the cross.

- He was resurrected after three days and ascended into Heaven after 40 days.

- Jesus now sits at the right hand of God until His enemies become His footstool.

- He is the head of His Church, leading and protecting believers as their spiritual shepherd.

- Jesus will return before a seven-year tribulation to take believers with Him. After the tribulation, He will reign over the earth for 1,000 years.

- Jesus will execute final judgment after the 1,000-year reign and will rule as King of kings forever.


- The Holy Spirit is the life-giving Spirit of Jesus Christ and the Father.

- The Holy Spirit was sent to dwell in the hearts of born-again Christians at Pentecost, after Jesus’ resurrection.

- The Holy Spirit abides in believers, providing instruction and guidance.

- The Holy Spirit has been with the Father and the Son from the beginning and works the same today as in Jesus' time.

- The Holy Spirit shares the same nature as the Father and the Son.

- The Holy Spirit moves sinners' hearts, bringing them to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.

- The Holy Spirit intercedes for believers with deep, unspoken groans.

- The Holy Spirit helps believers produce the nine fruits: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

- The Holy Spirit gives gifts to the Church, such as teaching, helping, and serving, to build and grow the Church.


- God created man on the sixth day of creation.

- Adam and Eve are the forefathers of all humanity.

- Man was created in the image of God.

- Humanity began to fall when they followed Satan’s word instead of God’s.

- After the fall, man's spirit died and was separated from God.

- Since the fall, human thoughts and plans are inherently evil and corrupt.

- People sin because they are born with a sinful nature.

- Humans cannot cleanse their own sin or live sincerely by their own strength.

- Only through faith in Jesus Christ and the forgiveness of sins can a person be born again as a child of God.

- Before being born again, all people are sinners under Satan’s judgment.

- To enter Heaven and have fellowship with God, people must become new creations as born-again righteous individuals.

- All people will die once, but born-again Christians will ascend to Heaven with Jesus Christ at His second coming.

- After death, man’s body returns to dust while the spirit returns to God for judgment.


- Salvation is God’s grace and work to save humanity from sin.

- Salvation comes only by faith in Jesus Christ, who achieved eternal redemption for all people.

- To receive salvation, one must acknowledge their sinful nature and repent, turning back to God.

- God predestined salvation in Jesus Christ before the world began.

- Salvation is not based on human righteousness but on God’s righteousness through Jesus Christ.

- Salvation can be divided into three aspects: salvation of the spirit (becoming children of God), salvation in life (living as children of God), and the final salvation (shedding sinful flesh for a new, glorified body).

- Salvation is fully accomplished by God’s grace, not human effort.


- The Church is the gathering of saints who are in Christ.

- The Church is the body of Christ, transcending time, place, culture, and race.

- The Church is the light of the world, preaching God’s Word and the Gospel to lead sinners to Jesus.

- The Church practices ordinances such as worship, communion, fellowship, and baptism.

- The Church includes pastors, evangelists, elders, deacons, and teachers, following biblical instructions and spiritual gifts from the Holy Spirit.

- In the Church, born-again believers teach and learn faith, pray, volunteer, and share testimonies of their walk with God.


- In the end, the bodies of born-again believers will return to dust, and their spirits will dwell with God in light and glory until the new world begins.

- In the end, the bodies of sinners will return to dust, but their spirits will face eternal judgment after the second death.